Open a report through the Saved Results section
On the Paperless website, click on the Saved Results section.
Enter search criteria to filter your database and make forms appear depending on your different filters. The search criteria are:
You may search using any date keyword criteria that you usually use at the Homepage.
It will search for the creation date of the report.
Name of report
You may search for a name of a report to get exactly the report you're looking for.
Name of responsible
You may search for the name of the responsible in charge of the saved results. If you search for more than one responsible, you will get all their saved results mixed in the search results.
Regular search criteria
You may search using all the other regular criteria you're using at the Homepage for regular searches. If those criteria are part of your saved results, the saved results will feature in the search results.
The criteria are:
Once the reports are visible on the screen, you will be able to see all the report's details:
Its title
Its date and time of creation
The number of satisfactory (S) and unsatisfactory (U) items
The name of the user who created it
All the criteria used to get the forms you verified
You can click on them to view the actual report with all the details of the Saved Results.
Open a report through the form saved results footer
On the Paperless website, click on the Home section;
Enter search criteria to filter your database and make forms appear depending on your different filters;
Once the results appear on your screen, select any form that has been verified that feature a Verified tag on it (either the green one or the red one) by clicking on it to spread it open;
At the bottom of the clicked form, you will find a banner for the saved results and you can click on it to see the actual report with all the details of the Saved Results.