By using the search bar in the Home section on the Paperless website, you may search throughout all the files you ever created.
Simply enter some letters or numbers to display a list of your forms or use one or many of the keywords our system offers you to filter according to your needs.
Search by Date
Searching by date will allow you to find any forms that are currently in progress or archived according to the chosen period.
Today / Yesterday
These keywords will allow you to find any forms that are currently in progress or archived that have today's / yesterday's date.
This week / Last week
These keywords will allow you to find any forms that are currently in progress or archived that have dates from this week / last week.
This month / Last month
These keywords will allow you to find any forms that are currently in progress or archived that have dates from this month / last month.
This year / Last year
These keywords will allow you to find any forms that are currently in progress or archived that have dates from this year / last year.
By Month
Searching by month will allow you to find any forms that are currently in progress or archived that have dates according to the chosen month.
(January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December)
By Year
Searching by year will allow you to find any forms that are currently in progress or archived that have dates according to the chosen year.
(2017, 2018, 2019, ...)
By Month & Year
Searching with this keyword will allow you to find any forms that are currently in progress or archived that have dates according to the chosen month and year.
(January 2017, February 2018, March 2019, ...)
Searching with this keyword will allow you to find any forms that are currently in progress or archived that have dates since the chosen date.
Searching with this keyword will allow you to find any forms that are currently in progress or archived that have dates until the chosen date.
Searching with this keyword will allow you to find any forms that are currently in progress or archived that have dates between two chosen dates.