**This function is not available on the Paperless for Windows version**
If you have linked procedures (or records) to read, a message will appear at the bottom of your workspace on your iPad/Windows. It will indicate the number of procedures you have to read.
By tapping the message, you will see the record to read. If you have multiple to read, you will get a list to choose from.
Once the procedure is read and you will tap on Back, you will get two options:
You will have to sign and attest that you have read and understood the procedure on today's date.
Read later
The procedure will close, but the message will still be visible until you read it and sign it.
The signed records are visible on the Paperless website, in the Records section.
The records will be available once at least one form that contains the procedure is created. Until then, the signatures will be kept in memory and won't have to be done twice.