Connector Columns | Description |
Id | Indicates the form Id with an identification number for each data item |
FormDate | Indicates the date and time of the form as displayed in Paperless Forms |
FormLastModification | Indicates the date and time of the last modification made |
FormId | Indicates the form's ID |
FormTemplateId | Indicates the form template's ID |
FormIsArchived | Indicates whether the form is archived (TRUE) or not (FALSE) |
FormArchivedDate | Indicates the date and time the form was archived If the form is not archived, the value will be null |
FormIsLate | Indicates whether the form is overdue (TRUE) or not (FALSE) |
FormDueDate | Indicates the date and time when the form is due according to its scheduled task
If the form has no task, the value will be null |
FormIsVerified | Indicates whether the form is checked in a saved result (TRUE) or not (FALSE) |
FormIsVerifiedSatisfactory | Indicates whether the form is checked in a saved result in "Satisfactory" status (TRUE) or not (FALSE) |
FormName | Indicates form name in Paperless Forms |
FormCompanyId | Indicates the name of the company (database) |
FormTags | Indicates all tags attached to the form, separated by a semicolon |
FormLinks | Indicates the Id of all forms linked to the form, separated by a semicolon |
FormFooterLeft | Indicates left footer information on form template |
FormFooterMiddle | Indicates the center footer information found on the form template |
FormFooterRight | Indicates right footer information on form template |
FormSavedResultComment | Indicates the comment made on the saved result |
FormSavedResultDate | Indicates the date and time of the saved result
If the form has not been verified, the value will be null |
FormSavedResultIsSatisfactory | Indicates whether the form is verified in a saved result in "Satisfactory" status (TRUE) or not (FALSE) |
FormSavedResultSignature | Indicates whether the form checked in a saved result has a signature (TRUE) or not (FALSE) |
FormSavedResultUserFullName | Indicates the full name of the person who performed the saved result
If the form has not been verified, the value will be null |
FormNoProductionReason | Indicates the reason why the form has been set to "No production" status
If the form has not been programmed in this way, the value will be null |
FormNoProductionDate | Indicates the date and time when the form was placed in "No production" status.
If the form has not been programmed in this way, the value will be null |
FormNoProductionUserFullName | Indicates the full name of the person who set the form to "No production" status.
If the form has not been programmed in this way, the value will be null |
FormRowGroup | Indicates the name of the line group to which the line belongs.
If not applicable, the value will be null |
#EN #BI #Connectors
Updated over a year ago