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Keyword: Julian Date

#EN #Excel #Keyword

Updated over 2 years ago

Keyword to use

In order to display the Julian date, you may use of the following keywords:


Keyword to Use

Paperless Format

Regular Julian Date


001 to 365/366

Julian Date w/ Year


21001 to 21365/366

With this control, you will be able to:

  • Make a regular Julian date appear with 3 digits (001 à 365/366) which matches with today's date (or the selected date);

  • Make an annual Julian date with 5 digits (AA001 à AA365/366) which matches with today's date (or the selected date) and current year (or selected year);

  • Access to a drop-down menu to change the date and/or time;

  • Tap on the N/A button to indicate your value in non applicable;

  • Tap on Today to get today's date and/or time;

  • Tape on Clear to empty the cell;

  • Just like a Date/Time field, you can set up a time stamp;

  • Just like a Date/Time field, you can calculate a timespan between two Julian date values;

  • Just like a Date/Time field, you can calculate a "best before" date by adding days, months or years to a Julian date value.

Type of controls available with this keyword


Use the ABC method to create a field control.


Use the 123 method to create a column control.

Validation rules available with this keyword

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