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Keyword: Drop-down List

#EN #Excel #Keyword

Updated over 2 years ago

Keyword to use

Internal drop-down list

In order to create an internal drop-down list, which is within your form, you may use one of the following keywords:


Keyword to Use

List with one choice


List w/ one choice and a custom input


List with multiple choices


List w/ multiple choices and a custom input


With this control, you will be able to:

  • Choose one or multiple choices;

  • Add a custom choice, entered by the user;

  • Modify the list easily within the Excel;

  • Requires an update of the form to view the changes in the list.

In order to use this control, make sure that you are within Column A of your Excel form and that there is a pound symbol (#) followed by the exact title of your drop-down list.
Then, everything that will be under it, until an empty cell, will be part of your list.


External drop-down list

In order to create an external drop-down list, which is in an Excel of its own, you need to use the keyword list.


Keyword to Use

External list


With this control, you will be able to:

  • Have access to a retroactive list, which means all changes done to the external list will be applied without an update/new version to the form;

  • Allows you to use the other columns within the list to fill out fields automatically when you choose an item from the list;

  • Adds a search bar to properly filter long lists;

  • Modify the list easily within the Excel;

  • Can only pick one item at the time;

  • Can not do a custom/"other" choice.

In order to use this control, make sure that the title of the field on your form is identical to the title of the column within the external list file.
Then, everything that will be under it, until an empty cell, will be part of your list.
To do the link between your form and the external list, make sure to use the validation rule for it.

Type of controls available with this keyword


Use the ABC method to create a field control.


Use the 123 method to create a column control.

Validation rules available with this keyword

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